Tuesday, September 8, 2015

"My Purpose In Life"

“Do the right thing, at the right time, in the right place, with the right person, and everything will turn out right.” – This motto from a certain blue school in Marikina had been a very significant saying in my life, for this had been my life motto since my preparatory school days. These were the days when life was still easy; when happiness was just a long-life feeling and not yet a choice. But growing up, I wonder, why do I exist? How important am I? What is my purpose?

People knew me as an obedient and well-oriented student, since I dedicate most of my time helping and serving in the learning and/or teaching environment. In high school, I got recognized for being that hardworking student who attends classes from 6am to 12pm and stays until 7pm for the sake of waiting for her sister and spends her time assisting members from the afternoon shift. I received a leadership award for my dedication to serve the environment, which has been my passion for years. I was known by many, because I’ve been doing good deeds, which I consider as the right thing to do. But behind this, I suffered a lot. Let me tell you my story.

At the blue school, I was known for two things: 1) my brother who gained many achievements due to his intelligence and enthusiasm in academics, and 2) my ambition and the school’s ambition of doing everything right. They consider me intelligent yet still curious with things; immature in giving reactions, but mature (or sometimes over-mature) when having conversations with the older peeps. But at that time, I kept my ego as simple as possible. But in 5th Grade, things were different. I did my best to keep the motto alive, but I felt lost, depressed. I got bullied, both physically and emotionally. I was humiliated by my teacher just because I had a crush on a man whom she liked, and then threatened me that she would fail me, which would affect me being in the honor roll. I maintained my good grades though, and surpassed 5th Grade with 3rd Honors. But excluding the high grades and recognitions, I realized that I became an emo. I became a rebel. I became too serious with life, and felt nothing but sadness, hatred, pain, hardship. And who would have thought that a 3rd Honor student would attempt suicide?

Yes, timing is a funny thing. I did attempt suicide in 5th Grade because I felt like I’ve been carrying all problems of the world. I thought that it was the end. But then, I remembered, God is with me, and He gave me a purpose: to do the right thing, at the right time, in the right place, with the right person, and everything will turn out right. I felt like the motto stayed within me.

I graduated from Grade school, and then pursued High School; two years in the blue school, and two years in a Public school where I met all kinds of people. I thanked God for all the blessings, for He never left me despite everything that happened. And as mentioned earlier, my efforts were recognized. I graduated from High school, and well, here I am now in College. Until now, the motto bears within me, that I should do what’s right; to do good deeds and be a blessing to everyone. I must do the right thing, never giving a damn about what others say. God is with me, never left me. I almost lost my faith, but He was there all along. In the end, I found my purpose.