Tuesday, September 8, 2015

"My Purpose In Life"

“Do the right thing, at the right time, in the right place, with the right person, and everything will turn out right.” – This motto from a certain blue school in Marikina had been a very significant saying in my life, for this had been my life motto since my preparatory school days. These were the days when life was still easy; when happiness was just a long-life feeling and not yet a choice. But growing up, I wonder, why do I exist? How important am I? What is my purpose?

People knew me as an obedient and well-oriented student, since I dedicate most of my time helping and serving in the learning and/or teaching environment. In high school, I got recognized for being that hardworking student who attends classes from 6am to 12pm and stays until 7pm for the sake of waiting for her sister and spends her time assisting members from the afternoon shift. I received a leadership award for my dedication to serve the environment, which has been my passion for years. I was known by many, because I’ve been doing good deeds, which I consider as the right thing to do. But behind this, I suffered a lot. Let me tell you my story.

At the blue school, I was known for two things: 1) my brother who gained many achievements due to his intelligence and enthusiasm in academics, and 2) my ambition and the school’s ambition of doing everything right. They consider me intelligent yet still curious with things; immature in giving reactions, but mature (or sometimes over-mature) when having conversations with the older peeps. But at that time, I kept my ego as simple as possible. But in 5th Grade, things were different. I did my best to keep the motto alive, but I felt lost, depressed. I got bullied, both physically and emotionally. I was humiliated by my teacher just because I had a crush on a man whom she liked, and then threatened me that she would fail me, which would affect me being in the honor roll. I maintained my good grades though, and surpassed 5th Grade with 3rd Honors. But excluding the high grades and recognitions, I realized that I became an emo. I became a rebel. I became too serious with life, and felt nothing but sadness, hatred, pain, hardship. And who would have thought that a 3rd Honor student would attempt suicide?

Yes, timing is a funny thing. I did attempt suicide in 5th Grade because I felt like I’ve been carrying all problems of the world. I thought that it was the end. But then, I remembered, God is with me, and He gave me a purpose: to do the right thing, at the right time, in the right place, with the right person, and everything will turn out right. I felt like the motto stayed within me.

I graduated from Grade school, and then pursued High School; two years in the blue school, and two years in a Public school where I met all kinds of people. I thanked God for all the blessings, for He never left me despite everything that happened. And as mentioned earlier, my efforts were recognized. I graduated from High school, and well, here I am now in College. Until now, the motto bears within me, that I should do what’s right; to do good deeds and be a blessing to everyone. I must do the right thing, never giving a damn about what others say. God is with me, never left me. I almost lost my faith, but He was there all along. In the end, I found my purpose.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Types of Research and Parts of a Research Paper


Informative -- is a form of research (academic) that presents subject on topic of interact in a way the readers understand

1) Introduction
2) Body
3) Conclusion

Analytical -- attains a thorough expertise of the concept that is being presented so that it can be broken down & represented from the writer's P.O.V.; no preconceived nations and ideas; restructure and relocate the concepts

1) Title
2) Methodology
3) Body
4) Conclusion

Argumentative -- also called persuative paper; takes a conscious stance & argues in favor of one of the argument with cogent facts & points presented; would the readers' mind in favor of one possible answer to the research question.

1.  Introduction
1.1 Lead-in
1.2 Thesis

2.  Body
2.1 Definition
2.2 Acknowledgement
2.3 Reason #1
2.4 Reason #2
2.5 Reason #3

3.  Conclusion
3.1 Recommendation
3.2 Restate the Argument
3.3 Lead-out


1) Fly Leaf - Blank Page
2) Title Page - Title and details of the research
3) Table of Contents - Where the page number of every part of the research
4) Acknoledgement and Dedication - This is found on the same page. This is where you give thanks to the people who helped in doing the research
5) Introduction - Where the most important terms are defined
6) Background of the Study - An overview of the research. The research were informed of what the research is all about
7) Statement of the Problem - a restatement of the research topic and presents major targets
8) Hypothesis - a testable prediction of the study
9) Objectives - presents the major goals of the study
10) Significance of the Study - why the topic is relevant and important
11) Scope and Limitations of the Study - states the parameters or boundaries of the topic -- what it will and will not cover
12) General Research Design - states the type of research utilized in the study (descriptive/historical)
13) Instruments Used - presents all specific materials used to get data from
14) Data Gathering Techniques - directly related to the instruments used but presents the strategies in a general way
15) Respondents - personal background of the respondents
16) Presentation and Discussion of Data - presents and discusses the data about the research, presents results and answers the statement of the problem
17) Analysis - Gist or SUMMARY of Chapters w/ interpretation
18) Conclusion - Based on the result extracted from the presentation and discussion & analysis in general
19) Recommendation - states what the researchers recommend
20) Bibliography - list of all sources used by the researchers.
21) Curriculum Vitae - shows the personal & academic background of the researchers


I recovered my notes on Research today, and I feel like sharing this to you guys. Haha! I hope this helps you. :-)

Do it By 10's

I had a version of this on my Facebook account back in 2011, but I feel like doing this here as of 2015, lol.

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with "Do it By 10's". At the end, choose 15-35 people to be tagged.
Be honest, you know your friends will comment and write something if they think you're lying.

1. Are you single - Yes,
2. Are you happy - Yes. :-)
3. Are you bored - Sort of.
4. Are you white? - Sort of.
5. Are you Italian - No.
6. Are you intelligent - Maybe? Sort of.
7. Are you honest - Mostly yes.
8. Are you nice - Yes.
9. Are you Irish -  No.
10. Are you Asian - Yes.

1. Full Name - Lady Danielle Mordeno Bugayong
2. Nicknames - Lady, Danielle, Nielle, Dani
3. Birth place - Manila
4. Hair color - Black
5. Natural hair style - Straight
6. Currently living at - Marikina City
7. Birthday - January 27, 1999
8. Mood - Happy :-)
9. Favorite color/s - Green and Blue
10. One Place you'd like to visit - Los Angeles

1. Have you ever been in love - Yes?
2. Do you believe in love at first sight - No
3. Do you currently have a crush? - No
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - Yes
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - No
6. Have you ever had your heart broken - No
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them - Yes
8. Are you afraid of commitment - Yes
9. Who was the last person you hugged - Dad
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? - Dad

1. Love or lust - Love
2. Hard liquor or beer - Neither
3. Cats or dogs - Dogs
4. A few best friends or any regular friends - A few best friends
5. Creamy or Crunchy - Crunchy
6. Pencil or Pen - Pencil
7. Wild night out or romantic night in - Neither
8. Money or Happiness - Happiness
9. Night or day - Both
10. IM or phone - Phone

1. Been caught sneaking out - Yes
2. Seen a polar bear- No
3. Done something you regret - Yes|
4. Bungee jumped - No
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - No
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker - No
7. Been caught naked - No
8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back - I never had a boyfriend.
 9. Cried because you lost a pet - Yes
10. Wanted to disappear - Yes

1. Smile or eyes - Both
2. Light or dark hair - Somewhere in between?
3. Hugs or kisses -  Hugs
4. Shorter or taller - Somewhere in between
5. Intelligence or attraction - Intelligence and Personality
6. Hot Topic or Hollister - Neither
7. Funny or serious - Somewhere in between
8. Older or Younger - I don't know.
9. Outgoing or quiet - Somewhere in between.
10. Sweet or Bad -  Sweet

1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yes
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - Yes
3. Ever tried walking on your hands - No
4. Ever been to a rock concert - Yes
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team? - No
6. Ever went skinny dipping? - No
7. Ever been on a blind date? - No
8. Ever went ice skating - Yes
9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - No
10. Ever been in a circus? - No?

1. I sing.
2. I love the environment.
3. I have deep thoughts.
4. I was entitled "Chess Master" in 6th Grade.
5. I used to be suicidal.
6. I love Math.
7. I am too conscious on how people see me when making mistakes.
8. I hate politics.
9. I serve God.
10. I like volunteer works.

1. Go bungee jumping or cliff diving? - Bungee Jumping
2. Watch a Horror Film or a Chic Flick? - Yes, both.
3. Go to Hawaii or Aspen? - Hawaii
4. Play spin the bottle or truth or dare? - Maybe?
5. Cheat or be caught cheating? - No, neither.
6. Read or watch? - Yes, both.
7. Text or Call? - Yes, both.
8. Sing a Rebecca Black Song or a Justin Bieber Song? - No, neither.
9.  Quiet and Happy or Loud but Hurting? - Quiet and Happy :-)
10. Go on Facebook or Tumblr? - Yes.

1. Last phone call you made - Dad
2. Last person you hugged -  Dad
3. Last person you hung out with - Cousins
4. Last time you worked - I have no idea.
5. Last person you tackled - Dan
6. Last person who called you - Dad
7. Last person you texted - Ma'am Au?
8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with? - Patrick Escorpiso
9. Last person you webcammed with? - I couldn't remember.
10. Last person/thing you missed - Family, HS Friends

"Four Things"

1. Accountant
2. Lawyer
3. Writer
4. Photographer

1. Any from the Scream film series
2. Any from the High School Musical trilogy
3. Any from the Final Destination series
4. Any from the Austin Powers film series

1. Facebook
2. Twitter
3. Instagram
4. Google+

1. The Voice
2. Awkward
3. The Flash
4. How To Get Away With Murder

1. Subic
2. Tagaytay
3. Boracay
4. Tarlac

1. Facebook
2. Twitter
3. Google
4. Youtube

1. Anywhere in Manila
2. Gym
3. Los Angeles
4. Steam Room - Sauna (LOL)

1. someone who I could relate to
2. someone bored
3. someone not busy
4. someone down

1. Jesus
2. Jose Rizal
3. Napoleon Bonaparte
4. Karl Marx

1. Pizza
2. Pasta
3. Chocolate
4. Nuts
(note: not in particular order LOL)

1. Water
2. Iced Tea
3. Buko Pandan Juice
4. Milk Tea
(note: also not in particular order hihi)

1. God
2. Dad
3. Mom
4. Siblings

1. Singing
2. Creative Writing
3. Emceeing
4. Public Speaking

1. Dinner or Night Bonding with the Family
2. Movie or TV Show Marathons
3. Karaoke Nights
4. Feeling Appreciated :)

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Twenty-Five Facts and A Truth

I ignored this years ago, but I think that now is a good time to do such. Okay, here it goes.
(Note: I got this from Facebook, but decided to post it here instead. I need to update this site, duh.)

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose at least 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. (But I won't tag, because this ain't Facebook.)

1. I was born and raised in the Philippines with English as my first language. I learned the Filipino language or Tagalog back in first grade.

2. In connection to 1, back in pre-school, my class adviser asked my mom if she stayed in America for a few years or if she married an American. Yes, my teachers thought that I'm a Filipino-American, and actually, I looked like one back then.

3. In my pre-school yearbook, it was stated that I wanted to become a doctor someday. But then I realized, I am afraid of surgeries and too much blood.

4. I used to write for the school paper back in my last two years at IJA.

5. I attempted suicide in 5th grade due to bullying (both physically and emotionally), but ended up being an honor student with no grade lower than 85. #medyodeadkid

6. According to Mark 12:31, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." I don't hate people. I have no capacity for hatred. I don't think that "hating" someone would be the answer to anyone's problem/s. I only lose respect for those people who 'I don't like', and as my dad reminds me often, "hate the sin, but not the sinner".

7. I know how to get along with almost all kinds of people, except for those people who are actual pains in thy ass and are considered 'bad influences'. Yup, screw those who do illegal things.

8. Everyone thinks that I am too mature and open-minded for my age, except for my mom and siblings (and dad thinks that my over-maturity could lead to me looking older than my age, noooo!). 

9. I loved my former school, IJA, but I never liked their system after Mrs. C.F. Mallonga died. (Cheers to those IJAians who can relate!)

10. I planted my first tree in 6th grade. It's located somewhere in Liwasang Kalayaan Circle Park (near CnB Circle Mall). Until now, it still exists, and in good condition. Believe it or not, I still visit it whenever I have the time to go there.

11. I suck at time management. Enough said.

12. I never say no to tasks that I can do, but when I get lazy or depressed, I literally isolate myself from everyone.

13. I don't usually get sick. I get severely sick every four years since 2nd grade, as observed by my parents.

14. I daydream about almost everything, except for relationships (if you know what I mean).

15. I had 3 Facebook accounts: my first account was hacked by my classmates back in 5th or 6th grade, my gaming account, and an account to connect with my school mates. Out of the 3 accounts, only my third account exists as of today. (I actually deleted my 2nd account because I don't play Facebook games anymore. And recently, I also deleted my 1st account, because of inactivity.)

16. Whenever I do volunteer work, it usually involves me working with people who are way too OLDER than me. It's frustrating, but challenging. Plus, they know how to appreciate (unlike some people).

17. I am in a church choir for more than a year already, although I haven't been active due to my studies. (Yes, I do sing. Listen.)

18. I attended voice lessons at Center for Pop Music Philippines, and performed at mall shows. Don't judge. Plus, I had a recital with some of my batch mates at UP Diliman's Aldaba Hall. I sang Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On" which made my parents teary-eyed.

19. At school, students say that I am intelligent because of attending reviews in MSE (Math, Science, English) and that I love reading printed materials, but I consider myself a street smart than a book smart.

20. I had 11 cellphone numbers so far: 8 of these broke due to PUK (all of them were Globe sims), 2 of them disappeared (1 Smart sim and 1 Globe sim), and my current sim (also Globe).

21. As much as possible, I don't like speaking on stage. I'd rather sing. But whenever I'm already on stage, I feel confident and share whatever information that they need to know.

22. Three things I want to be when I grow up: an accountant, a lawyer, and a writer. My brother made me realize that Accountancy is hard, but I am still undecided between BS Accountancy (UE Manila) and MA Political Economy (UA&P) for college. As for writing, specifically Journalism, still on hold.

23. I have 5 siblings (6, including one miscarriage), and out of the six, I love my older brother the most. In fact, I was named after him. His name is Lord Daniel.

24. So far, I only disobeyed one rule in my entire life: bringing of gadgets at school (specifically my mobile phone and mp3 player).

25. My second name, Danielle, is pronounced as 'dan-nyel-lee'.

Plus, I don't look at the keyboard whenever I type something this long. Forgive me for the typographical errors. And I sometimes ignore my grammar, although I am a grammar nazi at mind.

My truth?

Truth: I never had a boyfriend, nor see myself in relationships. I am afraid of heartbreaks, short-term commitments and rejections. Anyway, I'm not into anyone right now. No plans as of today. I'd rather spoil myself first and focus on my studies, but I sometimes think that maybe it would be nice to often spend time with someone— possible hang outs, have dinner, explore new places. It doesn't seem to bother me, but who knows?